Princess-chan =^.^=

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Av Lovisa Soffsoff-Chan Landén - 2 september 2014 15:32

Okay that's a while ago.

Skolan började. Och allt funkar näst intill perfekt. Yay ^^ 
Jag kan inte säga så mycket om det. Det bara ordnade upp sig. Och att ha pojkvännen i klassen är ju inte helt fel heller <3 

Fast nu är jag sjuk. Var hos Felix i helgen, fast jag inte mådde superbra innan heller. Resulterade i att jag sov/vilade ungefär hela dagen jag var där och sen åkte jag hem. Var hemma i söndags och sjukanmäld från skolan i går. Idag vägrade jag, trots att mamma och pappa försökte få mig att stanna hemma. Så jag gick till skolan, efter några minuter på första lektionen blev jag skickad till sjuksköterskan. Fick vara i vilorummet i typ 40 minuter. Sen hade vi slöjd, gjorde typ ingenting. Sedan var det lunch och sånt, fick vara med Felix och det var bäst, för har saknat honom en massa. Sen åkte jag hem och gjorde vegetarisk mat.

Så nu sitter jag här och tittar på Maleficent, som är typ 'våran' film. Jag är löjlig och hoppas på att jag *poff* ska bli frisk så jag typ kan gå hem till Felix eller något... Ska anyways få igång min webshop snart, yay :3 

Igår tittade jag på TFIOS för första gången, lyckades till slut övervinna min rädsla för det. Den var bra, kanske skriver en recention sen.. Har börjat titta på Pokemon också. *Fabulous* 

Nu ska jag fortsätta titta på film och vänta på att någon awesome människa dyker upp i mitt fönster och kommer och tar hand om mig~



Av Lovisa Soffsoff-Chan Landén - 17 augusti 2014 22:14

Gonna be in swedish~ 


Emergacy set #1 Extra smink, handkräm, parfym, hårnålar, snoddar, deoderant, kam, picett samt sminkborttagning. För nödsituationer~ 


Emergency set #2 Alltid bra att vara förberedd~


Extra strumpor


Dator och laddare I min skola har vi skoldatorer, så den och laddaren åker med~


Hopvikbar mugg






Kollegieblock So-ämnen, No-ämnen och språk~





Mapp För lösa papper, stenciler samt provresultat m.m


Pennfack Inkluderande stiftpennor 0.7, kulspetspenna, överstrykningspennor, gelpennor, fiberpennor, radergummin, pennvässare, linjal m.m. 


Notislappar Att ha i skåpet eller böcker~



Solglasögon och plånbok


Kalender För planering av möten, inlämningar, läxor m.m. 

Jag tror det var allt för första skoldagen~ Imorgon 10:00 gäller det! Har ju i alla fall Felix.. 

Av Lovisa Soffsoff-Chan Landén - 20 juli 2014 21:56


Once again I'm back here writing. Right now for therapy, because my beloved one was supposed to play with his friend today and he never showed up, and I haven't heard from him since they were still in Borås, on their way to leave. Sometimes he really can't think, but I still love him like crazy. We went to the beach today, after playing around in the water with Evelina for a while I just relaxed with a book. 


Yesterday we went to my moms grandmothers birthday party. I swear, she'll live until Jesus comes back. She's like the cutest human in the world! And she's 90! My grandpa showed us pictures from her life. It was really interesting and fun! And I made her a drawing, she was so happy that you could almost cry~ 

We came home around midnight. I'm surprised I slept kind of well, but it's nice I guess. I miss Felix tho. Even tho we're not allowed to sleep together when we stay over the night at each others places. But it's nice having him around, knowing his just a couple of steps away.  


The wedding's not far away by now. I start to feel a little nervous, the drama is done and all I have to do is practise, me and dad are getting better on the song and I'll have to colour my hair and start thinking about make up and stuff. But it will be fun after all. It's my sisters wedding we're talking about. I want to get married to. But not now, I'm not ready. Anyways, the day I get married, I hope it's Him my father leaves me to at the altar. 

I'm making him Open When-letters. They're really cute! I'll probably write something about that later.. 


Av Lovisa Soffsoff-Chan Landén - 20 juli 2014 21:54

I’m going to tell you a story. A story about a little girl. This little girl has long, dark hair and beautiful eyes. She loves to sing and dance, she do it all the time. 

When she was six she started to take ballet lessons. She was amazing, star of the show. But she stopped, no one knows why. 

When she was eight she found a cat by the road. It was hurt and barely living. She took care of the cat, and it was her very own. She loved animals, at eight she wanted to be a veterinarian. 

The little girl gets older, she’s ten now. She likes to study and school is her home. She wants to be a teacher, to teach other kids what she already knows. 

But middle school ends, she’s thirteen now. She doesn’t feel beautiful anymore, and her friends are now her bullies. Everyone seem bigger and she’s a little girl. She’s thirteen and all she wants is to be pretty. 

But it gets worse, far worse. She gets older as her scars gets deeper. She gets lonelier as she cut people off. Now she’s sixteen, and se wishes she was dead. 

But this is not the story’s end.

She turns eighteen, and now she graduates high school. Side by side with her best friend. It’s the two of them, against the world.

Time goes and she studies for her final. She even found the love of her life and he treats her like a princess. 

When she’s twenty two she gets her diploma. She’s finished now. 

She turns twenty four and she finds her career. Her boyfriend proposes to her and the world is pretty again. 

Now she’s twenty six and she walks down the aisle. His smile makes her heart go crazy as she whispers ”I do.” She’s twenty six and everything seems to be just fine.

But there’s more. She’s in the hospital, and she holds her newborn daughter in her arms. The smile on her face shines lighter than the sun. She’s twenty eight and now she’s a mother. 

The little girl is all grown up. She’s thirty now and she looks back at her life. She wipes a tear and smile. All for real she can now be happy. And she takes a breath to finally say out loud; ”I’m glad that I made it.”

Av Lovisa Soffsoff-Chan Landén - 17 juli 2014 09:59

Sorry it's been a while again.. uhh. I've been busy. Today Felix will come over, it's been like 4 days since last time I saw him <3 So I'm just sitting here and waiting. I fixed my room the other day, got a new desk from second hand. And when I were at Felix's place this weekend my mother cleaned up my room and surpriced me when I came home! She's the best! 

This is how it went~ I got some other stuff to, I'll maybe upload pictures of it later. But now I'll try to do something productive so um. See ya'! 


Av Lovisa Soffsoff-Chan Landén - 11 juli 2014 18:54

Cause you're the apple to my pie, you're the straw to my berry

You're the smoke to my high

And you're the one I wanna marry 


Just some small drawings I made. I'll try to have time to write a real post later. Love you all!



• 14 years old artist from sweden • Taken • I'm fine now •

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